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Posted by: joan.Russow on Sunday, January 30, 2005 
F.H. Knelman, Ph.D. 

The first emergence of a distinct radical new ideological group, the 
neoCons, first appeared during the Reagan administration. Some 
individual early prototypes appeared on the political/policy scene 
earlier. Among this latter group was Alfred Wohlstetter, an early 
member of the Rand Corporation's strategy reports, whose first report 
on nuclear strategy was a classified paper - Rand Report R-244-S (K. 
Husain, "NeoCons: The Men Behind the Curtain", Bulletin of the Atomic 
Scientists, Nov/Dec, 2003, pp. 62-71). 
Later, while a professor at the University of Chicago, Wohlstetter 
engaged two young graduate students, Paul Wolfowitz, currently 
Assistant Secretary of Defense and Richard Perle, the perennial hard- 
line neoCon. 
Both Wohlstetter and Wolfowitz argued that the U.S. must extend its 
security umbrella to the middle East. Wolfowitz was also a member of 
the notorious Team B, established by then CIA Director, George Bush 
Sr., in 1976. The major message of the Wohlstetter-Wolfowitz team was 
to argue that the U.S. move away from deterrence to a policy of world 
domination, the centrepiece of a 1990 report by Wolfowitz to the then 
Secretary of Defense, Dick Cheney.  A decade earlier Team B had found 
a place in the Reagan administration, Reagan's "Evil Empire" rhetoric 
underscored and began the undertaking of moving completely from 
deterrence to nuclear warfighting dominance, leading to the largest 
defence budget increase in U.S. history up to that time. Reagan's 
neoCon advisers argued for a preemptive action which became the 
centrepiece of George Bush Jr.,'s policy. Iraq became the 
inevitable target of their policies, incorporating the policy of the 
geopolitics  of oil. Also a natural consequence of seeking world 
domination was to trash the nuclear arms control regime and to 
discount international law and the UN, i.e. unilateralism. 

Key neoCons in the Reagan administration were the hawkish Secretary of 
Defense, Caspar Weinberger, the perennial neoCon, Richard Perle, and a 
mixture of the Old and New Right. In support were a number of lobbies 
whose members were pure neoCons. The Committee on the Present Danger 
(CPD) was typical.  Its message was clearly enunciated by two key 
members, Colin Gray and Keith Payne, in an article, "Victory is 
Possible", i.e. "The United States should plan to defeat the Soviet 
Union and to do so at a cost that would not prohibit U.S. recovery", 
(see F.H. Knelman, "America, God and the Bomb: The Legacy of Ronald 
Reagan") (Vancouver, New Star Books), 1987. The result was a complete 
break with deterrence policy in favour of defeating the Soviet Union 
through a counterforce first strike nuclear attack. The "acceptable" 
cost was estimated at twenty million U.S. deaths. To reduce this 
cost, a "Star Wars" development was proposed, later sanitized as the 
Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI). The above policies are being 
operationalized by the current Bush administration. Reagan sent the 
complete neoCon, Donald Rumsfeld, as a special emissary to Iraq, 
bringing with him a huge basket of military gifts to help Iraq defeat 
Iran, a true irony of history. 

Together with Wohlstetter, the evil wizard who fathered the neoCon 
revolution was Lee Atwater. To his critics he was a symbol of the 
dark side of U.S. politics (Thomas B. Edsall, Washington Post, March 
30, 1991, p.A-1). Atwater had been the key adviser to George Bush 
Sr., along with his associate, Karl Rove, the master of dirty tricks, 
who is the current president's major adviser. Atwater was the key 
parent of Pax America. This lineage continued with Rumsfeld's key 
adviser, Thomas Barnett. Richard Perle, the Prince of Darkness, whose 
influence began in the Reagan presidency, is a member of this clan of 
evil wizards. All they needed was a compliant president and they 
found the perfect one in George W. Bush. I believe that certain moral 
judgements should be made with great caution. 
Nevertheless the above men, the precursor advisers in favour of Pax 
Americana were evil in the full meaning of that word. They were not 
unlike the advisers to Hitler and their advice to Bush was sinister. 
The message, "Do anything necessary to fulfill Pax America" was 
planned, promoted and processed. And the current crop of advisers and 
members of the Bush administration - Wolfowitz, Libby, Feith et al 
are the servants of the nightmares which they serve with conviction 
and, in many ways, control. We believe they are so blinded by power 
that they will voluntarily persist in the trap of Iraq. To hold 
elections under the current conditions is the fulfillment of failure. 
The irony is that the Sunnis are unlikely to vote, thus the Shiite 
majority is sure to win, once again creating an Islamic 
fundamentalist regime which the U.S. had opposed earlier in Iran, 
when it supported Iraq. To have a national election under such 
adverse conditions is the mark of a madman. We now have hard evidence 
that Bush, Rumsfeld, Cheney and even Powell, based their invasion of 
Iraq on a library of lies. 
How can any fair person not conclude that the war in Iraq  is an 
international crime and these are the criminals who planned and 
continue to wage it. Unfortunately there is no court to bring them to 
justice. The court of history will have to perform this function. 

The major neoCon goal is to establish a world dominated by Pax 
Americana, the first global domination of our planet.  An early 
version of Pax Americana was contained in the publication of the 
group Policy for New American Century (PNAC). Virtually every current 
member of the neoCons in the Bush administration were former members 
of PNAC. They included Paul Wolfowitz, John Bolton, Eliot Cohen, 
Stephen Cambone, Dov Zakheim and Lewis Libby. They were also all 
academics. In 2000 they published what was to become the policy 
blueprint of the Bush Administration, i.e. Rebuilding America's 
Defenses. The New American Century is the realization of Pax 
Americana. Their master was Donald Rumsfeld, one of the chief 
architects of U.S. policies of preemption, unilateralism and 
domination. They have now embraced the radical new policy of `net 
war' and exploiting the planet's high ground, i.e. space. This has 
become the primary agenda of the Bush administration. It was in the 
above document that the authors stated that the transformation in 
U.S. policy they sought "was likely to be a long one...." and "absent 
some catastrophic and catalytic event" would not be feasible while 
Condoleezza Rice, following the 9/11 event stated "this is the Pearl 
Harbor we have been waiting for". One could not invent a more 
inappropriate person to represent a country on the U.N. Security 
Council, which is why George Bush named her as such. 
What began by a group of neoCon advisers to government and members of 
associations dedicated to establishing Pax Americana has now become 
the government itself and it is prepared to bring global domination 
to a successful end. 

Pax Americana has moved relentlessly from its conceptual stage to the 
operational plans and policies of its fulfillment. The components of 
Pax Americana are (1) to achieve control of the world's major oil 
deposits; (2) an aspect of this is to stabilize the Middle East and 
support Israel, to control the oil and gas reserves of Eastern 
Europe, to make certain of Canadian supply and to upset the 
government of Venezuela in order to recapture control of its oil 
(Iraq was invaded for its oil and to help "stabilize" the Middle 
East); (3) to slowly surround, suffocate and isolate Russia, whom it 
considers to be a potential "re-emergent peer" as well as to plan to 
fight and win a nuclear war with Russia. U.S. activities in 
Azerbeijan and the Ukraine are an important part of isolating Russia 
and accessing the rich oil and gas deposits of the Caspian Sea 
region; (4) to take control of those countries known as the "gap" who 
are currently resisting globalization, the goal being to "manage the 
global distribution of resources, people, energy and money". This is 
the plan of Thomas Barnett, author of the book "The Pentagon's New 
Map", in what he calls the "Grand March of History", (see Janet M. 
It should be noted that Barnett is Rumsfeld's top strategist. Barnett 
calls for the complete end to multilateralism and the total embrace of 
preemption. Key countries in the "gap" are Nigeria and Venezuela, with 
their huge oil fields, but also Senegal, Ghana, Mali and Uganda as 
well as Columbia and the Republic of Georgia. 

The strategic containment of Russia described above involves expanding 
missile defense systems into Eastern Europe, while oil-rich Iran will 
be encircled with missiles based in Azerbeijan, Turkmenistan, Iraq and 
Afghanistan. In order to assist in this global venture the U.S. plans 
to cover the entire Earth with secret satellite surveillance. This 
will be posted on the internal military "net"  (a new "internet in 
the sky"), leading to the capacity to fight a war anywhere on the 
planet, i.e. "net war". 

But a tragic flaw may be brewing, and that is Iraq. The neoCons have 
conveniently forgotten the lessons of Viet Nam. Drunk with power and 
over-confidence, they may yet be facing an ultimate loss which will be 
politically wounding to the entire Bush administration. This is 
Rumsfeld's nightmare and possibly Blair's as well. There is nothing 
more blinding than absolute convictions which are not based on 
reality. As for the outcome of the Iraqi elections, the Americans 
won, but we knew that even before the elections were held. 

Al Rycroft, Senior Editor 
Peace, Earth & Justice News -- 
A project of the non-profit Prometheus Institute. 
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